

Word of Life camp is a great place for the campers to be introduced to baseball. Charlie is a great coach and encourager to the teens as they learn the game!



Free Time


A walk into town during free time is always a delight because there is an ice cream store at the end of the trail.



I Speak Hungarian

My Hungarian is coming along nicely. Just kidding. I want you all to meet Tamás (Thomas). He is my translator this week and the reason I can truthfully say, “I speak Hungarian.” Without him, it would be very difficult to coach football and build the relationships with the kids that I have up to this point. I don’t think I’ve ever made a friend so quickly! He is going into his second year at the Word of Life Bible Institute and hopes to furthe20160809_191007_HDRr his studies in the States. My connection with Dallas Theological Seminary is interesting to him because he knows some of the professors who come out to Hungary and teach occasionally at the school. I’m excited to see what God has in store for him!


Any Cowboys Fans in Hungary?

Manning the table

One of my highlights here in Hungary is when the Word of Life campers show up and register they usually get a camp themed shirt, but in addition to those, they had an extra table with some Dallas Cowboy shirts waiting for them. I showed up with 160 shirts that were donated by the Cowboys and after the last camper was enrolled we had only 10 left which the workers took no time in grabbing these up too. It was so nice to meet the campers one by one and reassure them that I was not selling them but giving them a free gift. The look of gratitude and their smiles were priceless.

What Barriers?


Language barriers, cultural barriers, barriers, barriers, barriers. This is what I knew yesterday. I don’t speak Hungarian. I’m grossly unfamiliar with their context. How is this going to really work? Today I saw God move, my perspective was shaken and my doubt was replaced with trust. I could share several stories from today that quickened my faith but I have to talk about the picture above. We had around 10 people playing ‘Round Robin’ on the ping pong table after dinner this evening, the only language I heard was laughter! Game after game, more people joined in. I can’t say if this game had any eternal impact, but I can tell you we all had a blast! Just in the first full day of camp including football, baseball and English I saw walls come tumbling down. I look back on today and I say, “What barriers?” The Father enthroned in Heaven, Christ as King next to Him, and the Holy Spirit here giving testimony to the Truth! May Christ reign supreme in the lives of these campers! Please keep Laci in your prayers as he will speak tomorrow evening (around noon CT) and present the gospel! Our God is so good!